For those who celebrate it, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. If you have a different faith tradition or are simply celebrating the end of the year, I hope that this finds you in good spirits. No matter what, I think that you’ll agree that the letter below from Weinberg Y members Rich and Susan Walther is the best kind of holiday gift. In explaining why their Y matters so much to them, by extension they do a great job of explaining why it mater to all of us and this community. The Walther’s letter seemed like a fitting way to end the year around here.

Hopefully this holiday season has given you the opportunity to reflect about what matters most, even amidst the commotion all around us. In my crazy household, with twin six year old girls running around and a twenty year old home briefly for the holidays, my wife Holly and I will need a quiet dinner out to have any time for reflection.
When I do get a moment to myself, I know that I wil feel a deep sense of gratitude for having the opportunity to work with so many great Y associates, volunteers and partners who recognize how important it is to be part of an organization that focuses daily on helping people, families and communities improve their sense of well-being. Although the Walthers don’t use the term “well-being” in their wonderful letter, they perfectly convey what it feels like to be part of a community that is highly connected, supportive and looks out for one another.
Life is often complicated and too often full of the kind of stresses that push us away from others. However, research and common sense repeatedly confirm the simple fact that human beings need other human beings to be happy, satisfied and healthy. Whether you’re helping children feel more confident as learners; helping teens find their place in the world; helping adults and families connect and stay active; or volunteering your time in service to the Y, we all contribute to strengthening the “connective tissue” of our communities.
I am so grateful to be able to do this side by side with each of you. As Ms. Walther says, thank you for all you do and happy holidays!
All the best,
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland