I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, a holiday that I personally consider our best national holiday (among a lot of great choices, for sure). Reminding ourselves what we’re thankful for is a very humbling and important thing to do, and I must say that I am very thankful for
Tag: turkey trot
With record warm temperatures still with us, it may be hard to fathom that Thanksgiving could be right around the corner, but indeed it is. Rich with tradition, Thanksgiving is an almost universally beloved American holiday; a kind of collective time-out to connect with old friends and family and renew
For most of us, Thanksgiving has always been a great holiday tradition, filled with lots of eating, football games, fitful family gatherings (some crazy, some less so), friends and lots of eating (did I mention the eating?). Leave it to the Y to inject this great holiday with some exercise,
With Thanksgiving only a few days away, Y associates and volunteers across the region are busily preparing for our annual Turkey Trot. Needless to say, the details required to support an event of this magnitude cannot be underestimated and require intense focus, all with the purpose of supporting our charitable
The brilliant American poet Maya Angelou said, “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” This inspiring quote speaks to the fact that the act of giving is a reward for our souls. It nourishes and reminds us of our fundamental humanity. It’s why you can’t wait to