Summer is flying by, and Y on the Fly is flying around Baltimore! Last week, we visited Furman
L. Templeton Elementary, German Park, Children’s Peace Center, 29th Street Community Center, St. Francis Community Center and Wolfe Street Academy. In addition to games of Short Order, children participated in jump rope and Double Dutch and games of Home Run Derby. During the match at German Park, a few patrolling officers stopped by to try their hand at knocking a Wiffle ball out of the park! Children also played Bandits by Numbers, a game where two teams try to retrieve a ball from the middle of the field without being tagged by the opposing team, and The Kingdom of Squares, an African version of 4 Square. St. Francis Academy created the largest game of The Kingdom of Square with 50 people trying to reign as king and queen!
We rounded out the week with this week’s recipe – apple sandwiches!
Connect with us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the Y on the Fly fun this summer!
Thank you to PNC and McCormick Flavor For Life for making this partnership possible.