Welcome to the Y’s Project You Program!
Project You is all about what you want to achieve to be your best self!
It is based on 12 major lifestyle components of well-being designed to help you achieve your wellness goals. Teams of up to 15 are led by a trainer and work together to earn points through weekly challenges, food journaling and group workouts. Results will vary based on individual needs but may include increased strength, weight loss, increased energy and stamina, stress relief, community building, and overall lifestyle improvement.
Pre/post BodPod assessments (gold standard in body composition tracking) and nutrition guidance are also included.
Register in-center. Questions? Leave a comment here or call your local center.
Program Dates:
- September: Kick-Off
- September 23rd-28th: BodPod Pre-Assessment Appointments
- Week of September 25th: First Official Team Class
- October 9-13th: Nutrition Lecture (dates/times to be announced)
- October 2nd – December 8th: Teams meet once per week for their group class
- December 2-7th: BodPod Post-Assessment Appointments
- December: Grand Finale with all Teams
- Do we have to attend the Kick-Off Party?
- Yes, all participants must attend the kick-off party. All teams will be present to meet each other and your trainers. We will review all aspects of the program and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.
- Do I have to attend every week? If I cannot make my team’s class can I go to another team’s class?
- You should make it a priority to attend your team workout class every week. If you need to miss due to illness or travel you should notify your trainer and are responsible to complete all other weekly program components. Your trainer is working specifically with you and your team. Participants from one team cannot attend another team’s class as a make-up or under any other circumstance.
- Will I be able to complete all of the exercises?
- This is a beginner level program that is designed to get progressively more challenging as your strength and endurance increases. Trainers will provide modifications for all exercises.
- If I cannot make the Bod Pod assessment, may I still participate?
- The Bod Pod assessment is an essential component of this program given the benefit of learning your basal metabolic rate (calories burned at rest) and guidelines for daily caloric needs. You can still participate in the program but there are no refunds for missing the assessment appointments.
- Is there an eating plan and/or diet associated with this program?
- We will provide suggestions and basic nutrition content but will not supply specific meal plans to participants. You will be responsible to determine the best plan for you given the provided resources, guidance from your Bod Pod assessment results, and nutrition lecture opportunities.
Register in-center. Questions? Leave a comment here or call your local center.
1 Comment
Susan Lynch
September 10, 2018 - 8:07 pmAre there anymore openings and if so what days and times?