Having been mentored when she was a young girl, Rachel knew that Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y was something she wanted to be a part of. “Big” Rachel has now been partnered with her “Little,” 8-year-old Mackenzie, for over a year and it’s safe to say they get
A few weeks ago we conducted associate focus groups to get at what “makes us tick” as an organization. As you likely know, focus groups are guided discussions led by a researcher intended to uncover themes about the participants’ common experiences. Our groups, which were comprised of Y associates from
Marking only the eighth time in history that a human-made craft has landed on Mars, NASA’s InSight Craft made a successful landing on the planet Mars this week, yielding potentially significant discoveries about a planet that has provided us with endless opportunity for speculation in movies, books and elsewhere. While we
With all the uncertainty in the world today, what is it like to grow up in a world where even being in school may not feel safe? What if you add the extra strains of poverty into this picture? You know the answer. It’s not good and its effects spiral
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, a holiday that I personally consider our best national holiday (among a lot of great choices, for sure). Reminding ourselves what we’re thankful for is a very humbling and important thing to do, and I must say that I am very thankful for