We are trying to raise the funds necessary to get kids off our waitlist and into an immensely valuable mentoring relationship. Will you be a part of this? Can you help sponsor a match? Please give what you can. Every dollar counts and extends an empathetic and warm hand to a child in our community who is waiting for one. Thank you.
About Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y
Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y is a one-to-one, professionally supported mentoring program for youth ages 7-17 designed to provide consistent, caring positive role modeling and supportive guidance. Mentor/mentee matches meet regularly to engage in healthy positive activities (such as sports, board games, arts & crafts) which lead to trusting, long term relationships which help build confidence and self-esteem.
About the Y in Central Maryland
As a mission-driven, charitable organization dedicated to serving all, the Y is firmly committed to programs and services that support children and youth at the bottom of the income scale. We achieve this through raising the funds needed to offer our programs at highly reduced or no cost. Y youth development programs serving vulnerable youth include preschool (inclusive of head start), camp, community schools, mentoring, and after school programs.