The note below from Before and After School Enrichment parent Debbie Smith is music to my ears. It defines what good personal engagement and mission dedication are all about. I am delighted to see this and know that she and her children are having such an excellent Y experience! With all due respect, however, I must take issue with just one point in her note.
Ms. Smith states that showing genuine care and concern for the children and families we serve is “going above and beyond the job description.” Well, going above and beyond is at the core of a Y associate’s job description and central to our focus on well-being. In fact, showing care and concern for those we serve is at the core of our brand and cause. It’s a fundamental expectation of every single Y associate, regardless of job title or function. Care and concern for others will always be an integral part of what makes the Y experience so special.
Good morning,
I would like to inform you of the wonderful job Michelle Leatherman, Program Director for the Y Before and After School Program at Bel Air Elementary School, is doing for a second year in a row. She truly goes above and beyond what her job description states based on her genuine care and concern for all the children.
I have seen this care not only displayed on my children, Eric and Markus Stevens, but all of them. First, by providing continuity and consistency. Michelle is there every day which is a comfort for the children and parents as we have come to know one another. Plus, she always has a smile and a kind word for both the children and parents, this positive attitude is a huge attribute, especially on days children are having a tough day. I have seen her sit with children that didn’t want their parents to leave and appropriately discipline when they become hyper with excitement.
Michelle is an example of what you want all your Program Directors to be. Please advise if you have any questions or desire further examples of her positive actions in interacting with all the children. I truly hope she will be back again next year!
Debbie Smith
Thank you, Ms. Smith, for your kind note and congratulations to the wonderful Michelle Leatherman for consistently demonstrating what a Y experience is all about. Well done!
All the best,
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland