The Y in Central Maryland Blog

Monday Mission Update

I hope that everyone is having a happy, restful and peaceful Labor Day, with a special thanks to those Y associates who worked this morning so that many of us could get in a workout before today’s cook-out!

Labor Day, as we all know, is a tribute to the contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country and to our freedom to pursue it.  Speaking of our cherished freedom, I thought you might enjoy these photos of Y kids from our summer programming at Moravia Park Elementary, Holabird Elementary, Graceland Park Elementary School, Goodnow Community Center and Camp Ilchester who recently participated in a 100th anniversary celebration at Fort McHenry, where American troops successfully defended Baltimore Harbor from an attack by the British navy in the War of 1812.

Ft mchenry volunteers

While the challenges of achieving economic prosperity for all are vastly different today than in 1812, the underlying dreams and hopes of our ongoing American experiment in democracy remain the same and are at the heart of our mission. I am deeply proud and appreciative of the hardworking Y community which comes together in countless and inspired ways every single day to help unlock and celebrate the big, bright and beautiful potential within us all.

FtMcHenry volunteers 2

Many thanks also to our friends at Horseshoe Casino Baltimore and its parent Caesars Entertainment for their generous sponsorship and volunteer support of this event.

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland


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