As reported last week, Y Camp 2016 is officially in full swing and with it, the lives of thousands of kids and families are enriched and expanded in so many ways, some of those as yet unseen or unknown. So too are the lives of the 1,775 (and still growing) kind-hearted souls who supported our Send a Kid to Camp campaign this year.
In a time when we seem so polarized in our thinking, our donor’s outpouring of support and goodwill towards kids and families they may never know is a testament to hope and to the best in us as a community. Take a look at a few comments recently posted on line by the givers and you will know what I mean:
“I believe in B’more’s kids!”
“The Y has been a saving grace for my family and a wonderful place for me and my son to grow and connect! I wish as many kids have the chance to receive these benefits.”
“The Y Camp can give a child an experience of a lifetime!”
“This gift is designated for the Druid Hill Y, in celebration of its 100th anniversary. Thank you for being the place where I and thousands of others learned how to swim!”
“To make a difference in the life of a child less fortunate than mine and show support for a wonderful community organization”
“My daughter, Elizabeth H, sent a Facebook post encouraging a donation.”
“Tom Mooney (Y volunteer community board member) has been an incredible addition to our lives, and we hoped to honor him by making a donation to the Y.”
“I hope someone has a happy summer :)”
Booker T. Washington once said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” With those words in mind, I hope that our 1,775 Y Send a Kid to Camp donors and the hundreds of Y associates (many of whom are counted among those 1,775) who helped engender so much happiness for our kids this summer, and in turn for themselves as givers and doers, are indeed feeling that special joy that only comes from the satisfaction of selflessness.
What a special community we are fortunate to be a part of.
Thank you.
All the best,
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland