With record hot temperatures, it’s hard to believe that summer, and with it, Y camps and summer programs, are drawing to a close, but indeed they are. As subtle as the shifts in seasons may be, I assure you there is nothing subtle at all about the massive effort that goes into the planning and implementation of memorable and purposeful Y summer experiences for thousands of kids and families throughout our region! Comparable to the precision orchestration that must go into the production of a major Broadway show or Super Bowl halftime event (but one that lasts a full 10 weeks!), the planning and sheer hard work that create a summer of fun and learning for about 5,000 kids and families over 30 camp and program sites, would astonish even the most seasoned among us.
No corner of our association goes untouched and every associate is part of the production! From our finance and systems folks who work like crazy to create smooth registration and back-end processes, to our human resources team who recruit, screen, hire and help train hundreds of new seasonal associates, to our marketing team who create the campaigns which connect thousands of families to us, to our grants and philanthropy teams who help assure every child who wants a chance, gets one, to the facilities, quality control, risk management and center teams who help assure excellent, safe summers juggling the needs of members and campers alike, and last, but certainly not least, the amazingly able and talented camp and summer enrichment teams themselves who plan and deliver robust, age appropriate and exciting summers for children and youth of all backgrounds and descriptions across one city and five counties! Wow!
This massive, multi-faceted endeavor also extends to our many volunteers who roll up their sleeves to help ready campsites, and to our many donors, partners and funders who help make healthy, safe and enriching summers possible for those in our community who otherwise could not afford it.
All of you should take a bow and take a moment to savor your success!

Within this cast of thousands, I want to call attention to one special Y associate who leaves no stone unturned to extend our charitable mission. If you’ve ever been to the Weinberg Y, you’ve been warmly welcomed by Ms. Betty Squire, a longtime member services coordinator. More than a smiling face, however, Betty also puts her strong relationship building skills to work for our cause as a capable fundraiser! This year, through relentless determination and the willingness to make the ask, Betty raised about $8,000 for our Send a Kid to Camp campaign! To thank Betty for her extra efforts, she and friends were treated to an O’s game complete with a special thank you from our special friend, O’s
Adam Jones!

Thank you all.
All the best,
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland