Wow! Last week was a busy one, to say the least! On top of the ‘normal’ array of activities and responsibilities that we all attend to at any one given time (can someone define normal?), last week we also celebrated three milestones: the official start of Y camp 2017, the launch
Tag: the weinberg y in waverly
Together with our generous sponsors, PNC and McCormick Flavor for Life, we recently launched Y on the Fly at the Weinberg Y in Waverly. Y on the Fly is a Y on wheels that brings exercise, healthy cooking and nutrition out to neighborhoods in Baltimore all summer long! This summer,
Partnership with McCormick Flavor For Life and PNC to launch June 15 The Y in Central Maryland is pleased to announce the launch of Y on the Fly, a program funded by PNC and McCormick Flavor For Life. Y on the Fly will introduce Baltimore City youth to healthy living
One of the key tenets of our strategic plan, IMPACT 2020, is to “actively engage with the community and other organizations to drive higher levels of civic engagement and community investment.” A recent service learning project which brought together Y after school students from the Waverly Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore
I hope that everyone had a terrific weekend, and used the opportunity yesterday to put action behind one of Dr. Martin Luther King’s many important insights: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” At the Y and across the region, there were many wonderful